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DANPHE BATTLE brings the ultimate showdown of latte art skills to Kalimati, Kathmandu, Nepal. Join us on Saturday, April 6, 2024, from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm for this exciting competition where creativity meets coffee!

About the event:
Limited spots left. Hurry up, guys! 

The competition will follow a knockout format.

A total of 32 artists will compete.

All participants will use the same type of coffee beans and milk from @mountain_java_coffee. Danphe pitchers will be provided on-site if needed.

Round Structure:
In the initial round, all 32 artists will compete against each other. Judges will select the top 16 artists based on their latte art performance. The number of competitors will be halved in subsequent rounds until the final round.

Judging Criteria:
Latte art will be judged based on symmetry, contrast, definition, creativity, and overall aesthetic appeal.

Latte Art Themes Wheel:
Themes will be pre-determined and displayed on a wheel. A theme will be randomly selected for each round.

Announcement of Results:
Results will be announced promptly after judging. The final winner will be declared after the final round.